Successful Summer Open Studio!
A big thanks to all the attendees for coming out to our Open Studio. It wouldn’t have been the same without all of you. We all enjoyed a beautiful afternoon at Chalk Hill Artist Residency!
We were amazed by the stunning installation of Luba Zygarewicz. We listened to her explain her experience at the residency and the process of creating her piece “RISORGERE”.
Also part of the Open Studio was the watercolor and Bestiary drawings from recent resident artist Kirsten Rae Simonsen.
Painter Reuben Neugass and his Observation Exploration of Chalk Hill, communicated the relationship between the land and his very prolific experience at the residency... Beautiful watercolors and oil paintings. As a result of a collaborative work between artists from Becoming Independent, Alchemia and Intermedia Artist Jane Gilmor, we showed Costumes and a filmed of the parade which happened a few weeks ago. The project tittle is "Containers for The Self" and you can learn more about this collaboration project here!
Finally from artist Genevieve Quick we had excerpt of video Installation: Planet Celadon
Thank you artists and art lovers for choosing to be part of our Residency Program!