Summer Open Studio "Plein Air Paint Out"
We would like to express our appreciation to all of the people who were involved in putting together our Summer Open Studio plein-air paint out! Especially to all the artists who participated in this journey. We had so much fun! It was a pleasure to see the process and energy between the land and a talented artists. A special thanks is extended to all buyers, thank you for supporting local artists.
We also had a 2 channel audio installation piece, titled: Cyclic Remains by artist Pierce Warnecke. He is a media artist whose focus is equally split between audio and visual mediums and the many types of relationships between them. The sound composition was prepared at the residency over the course of the summer. During our Summer Open Studio he presented a work in progress of the sound composition, and set it up so that it runs autonomously as an installation.
This new audiovisual performance by Pierce Warnecke was commissioned by CRAK Festival (France), which will premiere Sept 21st 2017 in Paris at the St. Merry Church.
Click below for more information about the 11 Landscape Artists who participated: